Barbara Carroll Roberts


Avail­able July 22, 2025

“You’ll cheer for Bun­ny Bax­ter in this spot-on mid­dle grade in which Bun­ny uses her pas­sion for pol­li­na­tors to grow a gar­den, friend­ships, and her voice.” (Kathryn Ersk­ine, Nation­al Book Award Winner)

“Some­times it feels like a mir­a­cle that we make it through mid­dle school. It real­ly does. And so it’s won­der­ful to have sto­ries like this one as our com­pan­ions — sto­ries about mak­ing mis­takes, los­ing and find­ing friends, dis­ap­point­ing our teach­ers and win­ning their respect, and feel­ing our­selves grow into the per­son we almost did not believe we could be. Read this. You’ll cheer for Bun­ny — and cry a bit too. And by the end, you’ll real­ize that she’s not the only one you’re cheer­ing and cry­ing for in these pages.” (Gary D. Schmidt, New­bery and Printz Hon­or Winner)

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